Monday, August 31, 2009

Ant Farm

Yikes! We have an ant problem!! The weather was so beautifully cool yesterday that I opened the windows. Imagine my surprise when I pulled back the master bedroom drapes to find THIS:

Brent was able to get rid of most of them with bug spray, but the exterminator will be here this morning. ICK, ICK, ICK!!

Here's a little dose of sweetness to get rid of the creepy-crawley feeling. Bathtime is a big hit with these three!


Jen said...

Terro is the best stuff in the world for ant problems! We bought the kind you can sprinkle around the perimeter of your house and we bought the liquid stuff you stick in the windowsills for the suckers to eat and take home to their friends and family! Ick...I hate those buggars!

Jennifer Gragg said...

Yuck!!! That's a really bad ant infestation. Eewwww...

Cute kids tho!

Christy said...

Oh how I loathe ants! I have had on and off problems over the past couple years... you just gotta keep offering them the "good" stuff... Terro ROCKS between the bug guy's visits!