Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy GratiTuesday!

Wow--this is just one of FOUR posts for today. I've gotten a bit behind this weekend! Things we're grateful for this week:

  1. Sunday was the preview session for the Dave Ramsey class at church, and there was a GREAT turnout! We'll have approx. 40 students in the class! I am such a nervous speaker, and am looking forward to becoming more relaxed and proficient at it. Any tips??
  2. We had a gap in babysitting coverage this week, and Kelly came to my rescue by leaving work in the middle of the day to watch the kids for a while. It's support like this that keeps our "tight ship" from falling apart!! Thanks Kelly!!
  3. Graham's healing, and the care we received at the Urgent Care Center (see other post for today)
  4. Brent's sense of humor and his enthusiasm for doing crazy things! (see other post for today)

I feel like I'm missing some this week...if I think of them I'll add them to the list...