Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Blake has a new tooth! That makes six for him--four on bottom and 2 on top. Graham still has eight (four top, four bottom), but I think he might be working on his 12-month molars--he's been super fussy and clingy for the past week.

Last week I had an upper GI test, and today they knocked me out to run a scope down my throat. They're trying to figure out why I'm having a pain in my side, but no luck so far. The surgeon talked to Brent afterward and said (praise God!) they didn't find anything obvious. He wants me to come see him in a couple of weeks to discuss the results of both tests and see what he wants to do from here.

On a positive note, isn't this cooler weather awesome?! Happy Fall!!


Jen said...

My mother in law was having pains in her side that they couldn't figure out until they finally diagnosed her with fibromialgia (sp?)...just a thought???

The gangsta grill comment was hysterical, b/c that was the first thing I noticed on that pic as well! hahaha! Great minds think alike! :-)

Jen said...

Did they say what was wrong?

The five of us: Brent, Jennifer, Sophie, Blake & Graham said...

No new report yet...I go back to the surgeon on Monday, so I'll let you know what he says! I still have the pain, but it comes and goes. It's also tender to the touch sometimes. So strange!!!

Jen said...

That sounds EXACTLY like what my mother in law has!!

The five of us: Brent, Jennifer, Sophie, Blake & Graham said...

Jen--tell me more about the fibromyalgia...does she have other symptoms??

Jen said...

Ok, I take that back...I just called the in-law and she said that the side pain was actually later diagnosed as Diverticulitis (sp?)...basically pollyps (sp?) in your colon...bad when you eat nuts, seeds, they get stuck in those pockets and cause pain...

Sorry about the mis-information...I could have sworn it was the other...glad I called now maybe ask about that??? It always hurts her left side, fyi.

Jen said...

Did they find anything out?