Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Happy GratiTuesday! This week we're thankful for:

  1. Allergy medicine--the kids have unfortunately inherited their mom's hayfever.

  2. The kids don't have any problems with sleeping through thunderstorms! Last night we had a doozy, and all of them slept right through it.

  3. My friends Kelly and Edna, who made a 5K walk a lot of fun! I had to stop a couple of times because Edna had me laughing so hard, but other than that we finished our walk in record time.

  4. My boss who gave me praise and told me he's glad to have me working for him. It went straight to my heart. Yay for happy bosses!!

  5. As I mentioned yesterday, we're so thankful to have had Leslie as one of our sitters for as long as we did. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't shed more than a few tears about that chapter ending for us. It's an exciting new chapter for her, though, so we're excited about that!

  6. The FPU class is going GREAT at church! The new format has made the class 100 times more interactive, and we learn a lot from class members each week. I'm so glad I decided to stay on for another session!