Friday, September 12, 2008

Birthday Party Update!

Just a reminder about the kids' birthday party this weekend at Sedgwick County Park! Sunday from noon-2pm at Shelter #1 (enter from the 13th street entrance, and it's the first shelter to the left of the entrance), and we'll be serving hot dogs, hamburgers & cake. If you want to bring a side dish, we'd love it--but don't worry about it if you don't have time to get anything.

We've had some calls about a back-up plan because of the rain, and at this point our only back-up plan is prayer. :-) The shelter is covered, and we stopped by there yesterday when it was raining and the picnic area was completely dry. The forecast is calling for little or no rain that afternoon, so we're keeping our fingers crossed!

In the event of a complete change in forecast, we'll move the party to our place. If we do that, I'll be sure to post something here first thing Sunday morning. At this point, we're holding strong to our original plans.

We can't wait to see you on Sunday!